Connecting the Hospitality Industry to Refugee Talent

AHLA’s Hospitality for Hope welcomes Tent Partnership for Refugees (Tent) for a conversation about why hospitality companies should look to refugees as a new source of talent, and how they can develop successful refugee hiring initiatives.
The U.S. government has committed to welcoming hundreds of thousands of people displaced by major refugee crises, including 95,000 at-risk Afghans who worked alongside the U.S. military and 100,000 Ukrainians displaced by Russia’s recent military invasion. These developments represent an enormous opportunity for the American hospitality industry to help refugees integrate into the U.S. economy and become productive members of our communities.
The webinar will provide the following insights:
- Learn more about the refugee context in the United States
- Understand how Tent can help the hospitality industry effectively recruit and integrate refugees into their workforces
- Hear about other hospitality companies that have successfully hired refugees in the United States