Hospitality Law Database
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Landlord Tenant
Hotel, motel, and lodging arrangements are not subject to Alabama's landlord/tenant law
Hotel managers, assistant managers, desk clerks or any other person in charge of, or with authority, in a hotel has the right to remove or eject a guest from the hotel if the guest, while in the hotel or on hotel premises is intoxicated, profane, lewd, brawling, or engages in any behavior that is causing a disturbance to other guests or employees.
Requires that all public, employee, and occupied guest rooms with toilet and bath facilities are cleaned daily. Bathroom walls, ceilings, and other surfaces must be cleaned often enough to prevent the accumulation of dust dirt, soap film, and mildew.
Lists requirements for providing clean bed linens and towels. States that hote laundry facilities can only be used for cleaning linens, towels, uniforms, and aprons and that separate laundry facilities can be used for guests. Clean linens must be stored and handled so as to prevent contact with dirty linens. Laundry carts that are used for dirty linens cannot also be used for clean linens unless the cart has been cleaned between uses. Clean linen storage areas must provide protection from dust, dirt, vermin, and other contamination. Additionally, housekeeping carts must protect clean linens, single-service, and repeat use items.
Lists requirements for the cleaning and storage of utensils. Clean utensils must be protected from dirt, dust, splash, vermin, and other sources of contamination at all times and hotels must provide suitable storage locations for these items at least 6 inches above the floor. Drinking glasses or cups must be provided with sanitary bags or in individually wrapped plastic or other means of protection prior to being taken from the storage area or utensil washing area. All used and/or unwrapped glasses, in areas other than kitchenettes, and ice buckets must be removed from guest rooms when the room becomes vacant and be washed and sanitized.
Landlord Tenant
Hotel, motel, and lodging, or other transient facilities are not subject to Alaska's landlord/tenant law
Landlord Tenant
Excludes hotels, motels, and recreational lodging from landlord/tenant law
Sick Leave PTO
Details accrual of sick leave for employees. Requires that employers with 15 or more employees provide one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked to a maximum of 40 hours. Employers less than 15 employers must provide one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked to a maximum of 24 hours.
Details how sick time can be used, including allowing employees to seek care for themselves or a family member with a physical or mental illness or to diagnose or treat a condition.
Requires employers to provide written notice of paid sick leave policies.
States that it is a public nuisance dangerous to public health for hotels, tourist courts and other lodging establishments that are not kept in a clean and sanitary condition or for which suitable and adequate toilet facilities are not provided.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel, motel, or other accommodations subject to any lodging sales tax from landlord tenant law
Requires every hotel or innkeeper to provide fresh bed linens on all beds assigned to any guest or patron.
Request every manager or person in charge of the conduct at any hotel to keep toilet rooms used in connection with the inn or hotel and provided for the use of guests or patrons in a clean and sanitary condition
Landlord Tenant
Gives innkeeper's the right to evict a guest if the guest refuses or fails to fully depart a guest room at or before the posted checkout time. Specifies how evictions are to take place.
Sick Leave PTO
Grants employees who work for the same employer for 30 or more days a year the right to sick leave; details how sick leave is accrue; details when sick leave can begin to be used; details annual rollover of unused sick leave; requires employers to provide employees with written notice of the amount of sick leave or paid time off available.
Details requirements for sick leave for the purposes of organ donations or bone marrow donation.
Requires employers to keep at least three years of records documented the number of hours worked and paid sick days accrued and used by an employee.
supplemental Covid-19 paid sick leave
Details supplemental covid-19 sick leave for the 2022 calendar year
Allows sick leave to be used to care for a family member
Requires apartment houses and hotels held out for rent and furnished with a bed and bedding must be kept clean, dry, and in a sanitary condition. This includes bedding as well as other parts of the bed such as the mattress.
Sick Leave PTO
These sections provide supplemental paid sick leave for Covid-19 and required that employers provide supplemental paid sick leave if an employee requested it due to Covid-19 or to care for a family member with Covid-19. This ordinance appears to have expired on December 31, 2020.
Entitles employees who work for the same employer for 30 or more days within a year to paid sick leave. Allows employees to begin using sick leave on the 90th day of their employment. Allows employee to provide 48 hours of sick leave to employees at the beginning of each 12 month period or to allow one hour of leave to be earned for every 30 hours worked.
Requires hotel employees to provide at least 96 hours of compensated hours per year of sick leave, vacation, or personal time. Provides definitions for full time vs. part time hotel employees and details how leave accrues for each. Requires that hotel workers be eligible to use accrued paid time off after the first six months of employment or consistent with company policies, whichever is sooner, and provides that unused time can carry over until a maximum of 192 hours is reached unless the employer has a more generous policy.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires that employers provide employees with at least one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked.
Details how sick leave can be used, including when an employee is physically or mentally unable to perform their job duties due to illness, injury, or medical condition. Also allows leave to be used for employees to care for family members with an illness or injury.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires one hour of sick leave to be provided for every 30 hours worked. Also allows employers to make available a lump sum of paid sick leave for any 12 month period. For employers with fewer than ten employees, there is a cap of 40 hours of accrued paid sick leave, for employers with 10 or more employees there is a cap of 72 hours of paid sick leave.
Details hw sick leave can be used, including for when an employee or a family member who is injured or ill and receiving medical car or a diagnosis. Sick leave can also be used to seek services or treatment if an employee is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Requires the City to provide employers with a poster informing employees of their right to paid sick leave.
Requires employer to retain records documenting hours worked and sick leave taken by employees for four years.
Requires that hotel operators establish, implement, and maintain written cleaning and disease prevention standards to minimize the risk of Covid-19 transmission or other contagious public health threats as they arise. Lists requirements for disinfectants and cleaning high-contact areas.
Landlord Tenant
Exempts hotels and motels from landlord tenant law for rooms rented for less than 30 days.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires that when a public health emergency is declared, employers must supplement each employee's accrued paid sick leave as necessary to ensure that employees can take paid sick leave as specified.
Requires employers to notify employees that they are entitled to paid sick leave and the when they can use paid sick leave. This can be done by providing an employee with a written notice or displaying a poster with with this information in a conspicuous and accessible location in each location where the employer's employees work.
Requires employers to retain records for two years documenting hours worked, paid sick leave accrued, and paid sick leave used.
Requires all employers in Colorado to provide at least one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Notes that employees are entitled to use no more than 48 hours of sick leave each year unless their employer selects a higher limit.
Details how sick leave can be used, including for the employee to care for themselves or a family member with a physical or mental illness, to diagnose a condition, or obtain preventative care.
Establishes requirements for cleaning swimming areas/pools
Sick Leave PTO
Allows sick leave to be used for organ or bone marrow donation
Requires sick leave to be provided to service workers and details how leave can be accrued
Allows paid or unpaid leave to be taken for an employee who is a victim of domestic violence
Requires employers to provide service employees with notice of their entitlement to sick leave, the amount of sick leave provided, adn when sick leave can be used at the time of hiring.
Requires employers to advise employees in writing, at the time of hiring, information about sick leave
Details permitted uses of sick leave
Allows sick leave to be donated
Details requirements for family and medical leave
Requires that all towels provided by any hotel be stored in an area that is easily accessible to guests and that guests are provided with a sufficient number of towels. Individual towels must be arrange so that users can pull out a clean portion of the towel.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes hotels, motels, and similar lodgings from landlord/tenant law.
Sick Leave PTO
Allows employers to require that paid time off be used before accessing family and medical leave benefits
Landlord Tenant
Washington D.C. does not explicitly exclude hotels in landlord tenant law.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employers to keep records of hours work and paid leave taken by employees for at least three years or the prevailing federal standard of time at the time the record is created.
Allows medical leave of up to 16 workweeks over any 24 month period to be taken by employees who are unable to perform their job functions due to a serious health condition
Details when employees can take family leave.
Details requirements for employer provided sick leave based on the number of employees they have; details when paid leave can be used.
Allows employers to require certification for paid leave if an employee is out for three or more consecutive days
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel, condominium, motel, roominghouse, or similar public lodging, or transient occupancy in a mobile home park from landlord/tenant law.
Allows hotel managers to remove or cause to be removed guests who illegally possess or distribute controlled substances, is intoxicated or disorderly, is disturbing other guests, fails to make payment, or fails to check-out on-time. Also allows hotel managers to call law enforcement for assistance of removing an individual who is illegally on the premises.
Requires that lodging establishments be supplied with potable water and adequate sanitary facilities for guests, such as showers, handwash basins, toilets, and bidets
Landlord Tenant
A landlord/tenant relationship is created when the owner of real estate grants to another person the right to possess and enjoy the use of their real estate for a fixed time.
In any case where a tenant holds possession of lands or tenement beyond the term of a lease or rental agreement or fails to pay rent when it becomes due, the owner may demand possession of the property
Sick Leave PTO
An employer that provides sick leave must allow sick leave to be used to care for an immediate family member, however, employers are not required to offer sick leave or allow employees to use more than five days of sick leave per calendar year to care for an immediate family member.
Requires every hotel or innkeeper to provide clean, unused bed linens that have not been used by any other person since their last laundering
Closets and restrooms used in inns or hotels must be kept in clean and sanitary conditions
Lists requirements for toilet/bathroom facilities in tourist accommodations (defined as, "any facility consisting of two or more rooms or dwelling units providing lodging and other accommodations to the general public, such as tourist courts, tourist cottages, tourist homes, trailer parks, trailer courts, motels, motor hotels, hotels, and any similar place by whatever name called and any food, beverage, laundry, recreational or other facilities or establishments operated in conjunction therewith."). Toilet facilities must contain individually wrapped soap or liquid soap, clean towels, and toilet paper. Toilet facilities must be kept clean and in good repair.
Lists requirements for garbage disposal in tourist accommodations.
Lists requirements for the arrangement of housekeeper cart. Carts must be arranged so that clean replacement supplies and linens do not come into contact with used supplies and linens. Also requires that any spray bottles used for cleaning rooms are labeled.
hotel, rooming house, and boarding house operators are responsible for the sanitary maintenance of the building
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy on a day-to-day basis in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant law.
Notes that any guest who intentionally continues to occupy a guest room beyond their scheduled departure and without prior written approval is a trespasser.
Sick Leave PTO
Details leave requirements for employees who take a leave of absence to donate bone marrow, stem cells, or organs.
Entitles employees up to four weeks of family leave, which can be paid or unpaid. Details provisions for sick leave, which employers have the option to provide.
Details requirements for family leave
Requires employers with more than 50 employees to allow employees to take up to 30 days of unpaid victim leave per calendar year, or five days for employes with 49 or fewer employees. Leave can be used to recover/seek treatment from domestic or sexual violence.
Landlord Tenant
Idaho does not explicitly include or exclude hotels and motels from landlord tenant or other property laws
Gives hotelkeepers the right to evict guests who fail to pay their bill when due, for disorderly conduct that is disturbing to guests, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who seek to use the hotel for unlawful purposes, damages or damages hotel property
Landlord Tenant
Illinois law does not provide an exemption for hotels in landlord tenant law
Details when an eviction action can be maintained. This section doesn't explicitly include or exclude hotels.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires all employees are entitled to a maximum of 2 weeks/10 work days of unpaid bereavement leave due to the death of a child. Beginning January 1, 2023, bereavement leave can also be used for a miscarriage, unsuccessful IVF or other assisted reproductive technology procedure, failed adoption match/unfinalized adoptions, failed surrogacy agreements, a diagnosis that negatively impacts pregnancy or fertility, or a stillbirth.
Employees who are victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, gender violence, or any other crime of violence may take unpaid leave.
Allows employees to use sick leave benefits provided by an employer to care for a child, stepchild, spouse, domestic partner, sibling, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or stepparent on the same terms in which they would use sick leave for themselves. An employer may limit the use of sick leave benefits to an amount that is not less than the personal sick leave that would be earned during 6 months of the employee's current rate of entitlement.
Bed and breakfasts must provide individual soap as well as clean bath cloths and towels. This only applies to bed and breakfasts which are defined as operator-occupied residence providing accommodations for a charge to the public with no more than 5 guest rooms for rent, in operation for more than 10 nights in a 12 month period.
Landlord Tenant
Landlord tenant law in Chicago does not apply to hotels unless the tenant occupies a room or unit for 32 or more continuous days and pays a monthly rent.
Landlords can evict tenants for unpaid rent if the rent has not been paid within five days of written notice of the intention to terminate the rental agreement if rent isn't paid, material noncompliance by a tenant with the rental agreement, failure to maintain the unit, or disturbing others.
Sick Leave PTO
Any employee who works at least 80 hours for an employer within any 120 period is eligible for sick leave For every 40 hours worked, sick leave accrues and is capped at 40 hours of paid sick leave per 12-month period. Employees can use sick leave for themselves, an ill or injured family member, or if the employee or a member of their family is a victim of domestic violence.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel, motel, or other lodging from landlord tenant law.
Freshly laundered sheets must be provided after the departure of each guest
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel, motel or other similar lodgings from landlord tenant law
Allows hotel managers to remove a person from the hotel for nonpayment of charges, being visibly intoxicated or disorderly, the individual is reasonably believed to be using the premises for an unlawful purpose, the individual is reasonably believed to have brought a dangerous item such as a firearm or explosive on the premises, the individual has violated the law, or the individual has violated hotel rules.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel, motel or rooming house from landlord/tenant law
Allows hotel managers to remove a person from the hotel for nonpayment of charges, being visibly intoxicated or disorderly, the individual is reasonably believed to be using the premises for an unlawful purpose, the individual is reasonably believed to have brought a dangerous item into the hotel, is not a registered guest of the hotel, the person has exceeded the occupancy limits for their room, the room was obtained under false pretenses, the individual is a minor without the supervision of the adult who obtained the accommodation, the person has violated the law, or the person has violated a hotel rule.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant law
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employees to provide leave for adoptive parents after receiving a written request from an employee.
Landlord Tenant
Prohibits an individual from staying in a hotel where their term ha expired or they have been given written notice of their agreed departure date and checkout time or been given at least two hours verbal notice to leave the room
Allows room occupants and their personal belongings to be removed if sufficient notice has been provided.
Requires every hotel, motel, or innkeeper to provide fresh bed linens for each guest
Requires every manager or person in charge of any hotel, motel, or inn to keep any closets, bathrooms, and toilet facilities provided for guests in a clean and sanitary condition.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employers who are city contractors or who receive $100,000 or more in city financial assistance in any 12 month period to provide at least seven days of compensated leave per year This leave can be used for medical or dental visits. Leave can be accrued and used on a prorated hourly basis at a rate of no less than three minutes per hour worked up to seven days of accrued leave.
Landlord Tenant
Provides definitions. Notes that innkeepers are individuals who manage an inn, htel, or mote and are not landlords under state law.
Allows hotel managers to request that any person on the premises causing unnecessary disturbances or who is damaging or destroying property leave the premises or use a reasonable degree of force to remove a person from the premises. If an individual refuses to leave, law enforcement may be called to remove the person.
Allows accommodations to be refused to individuals who are unable or unwilling to pay, individuals under 18 years of age, the manager reasonably believes an individual is bringing i property that may be dangerous to others such as firearms or explosives, or when occupancy limits would be exceeded.
Sick Leave PTO
Notes that employers who provide paid leave must offer at least 40 hours of paid leave in a 12 month period and provides other requirements for employers who elect to provide paid leave.
Landlord Tenant
Hotels and motels are not explicitly included or excluded from landlord tenant law.
Allows innkeepers to refuse to provide lodging or remove an individual from a lodginging establishment if they are unable to r refuse to pay for services, are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and creating a public nuisance, destroy or damage property, are in unlawful possession of dangerous substances, are reasonably believed to possess firearms or explosives, or refuse to abide by establishment rules. Allows individuals to be notified of removal either orally or in writing. Allows innkeeper's to lock the door to an individual's room, remove their personal property, and use no more force than necessary to eject an individual from a lodging establishment if they refuse to leave.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires all employers to provide 2 hours of paid leave to allow employees who are registered voters in Maryland to vote.
Contains provisions for paid sick leave for employers with 15 or more employees. Requires employers with 14 or fewer employees to provide unpaid earned sick leave. Lists limitations for accrual and use earned sick leave.
Details situations for when earned sick leave can be used. Required situations where sick leave can be used include maternity/paternity leave, to treat a physical or mental illness, and to obtain preventative care. Allows employers to require advanced, written notice for using sick leave in foreseeable circumstances.
Requires employers to provide notice to employees that they are entitled to sick leave.
Contains provisions for bereavement leave, sick leave, paid time off, vacation time, and compensatory time. These provisions apply to employers that provide leave under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement, employment policy, or employers who employee at least 15 employees for 20 or more calendar weeks.
Landlord Tenant
Hotels and motels are not explicitly included or excluded from landlord tenant law.
Allows guests to be removed from a hotel if they refuse or are unable to pay, are obviously intoxicated or disorderly, destroy property, cause a disturbance, or violate a hotel rule.
Sick Leave PTO
Details family and medical leave requirements. Allows family leave to be taken during the first 12 months following the birth or adoption of a child and medical leave to be taken for certain serious health conditions that prevents covered individuals from perform their job functions.
Requires employers with more than 50 employees to allow employees to take upt to 15 days leave from work in any 12 month period if they are a victim of abusive behavior.
Requires all employees who work in Massachusetts who must miss work for specific reasons are entitled to use earned sick time. Reasons for taking sick leave include caring for a family member, seeking treatment for a physical or mental illness, attending doctors appointments, and addressing the psychological effects of domestic violence. Requires that employers provide at least one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours an employee works.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes hotels and motels used by transient guests staying for 14 or fewer consecutive calendar days from landlord tenant law.
Excludes hotels and motels form provisions related to short-term residential rentals.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employer with 25 or more employees at the same location to allow employees with children in grades K-12 to spend up to 3 days per year on school visits if they give prior notice of their planned absence. Existing vacation, persona, or compensatory time may be used for this purpose.
Landlord Tenant
Defines hotel as a building that is used and held out to the public as a hotel. Michigan law does not explicitly state that hotels are exempt from landlord tenant law or provide procedures for the eviction of guests.
Sick Leave PTO
Details how paid medical leave can be accrued.
Requires every hotel owner to maintain any shared or public areas in a clean and sanitary condition.
Landlord Tenant
Provides definitions. Does not include hotels or hotel managers/innkeepers in these definitions. The remainder of the landlord tenant laws in Minnesota do no explicitly exclude or include hotels.
Notes that guesses who intentionally continue to occupy a hotel room after their scheduled departure without written approval of the hotel manager are considered trespassers.
Allows hotel managers to remove guesses who refuse or are unable to pay for accommodations, are obviously intoxicated or disorderly, destroy or threaten to destroy property, cause a disturbance, are in possession of a controlled substance, are under 21 and using alcohol on the premises, have brought in a dangerous object such as a firearm or explosive, or violate any hotel rule.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employers to provide written notice to employees at the start of employment information on vacation, sick time, and other paid time off.
Requires employers to grant paid leaves of absence to employer when are undergoing a medical procedure to donate bone marrow.
Allows sick leave provided by employers to be used to care for an ill or injured child or to seek treatment for being the victim of domestic abuse or sexual harassment or assault
Requires employers that offer time off for biological parents to also grant time off, with or without pay, to adoptive parents for at least four weeks.
Requires employers to grant paid leaves of absence to employees undergoing a medical procedure for organ donation.
Requires employers to grant 12 weeks of leave, which can be unpaid, following the birth or adoption of a child.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires that employees accrue one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked within city boundaries up to a maximum of 48 hours per year, unless their employer has a more generous policy.
Details how sick time can be used, including allowing employees to seek care for themselves or a family member's physical or mental illness, to diagnose a condition, or seek preventative care.
Requires notice about paid sick time to be posted in a conspicuous place informing employees of their rights to sick leave and that notice also be included in an employee handbook if the employer has an employee handbook.
Requires employers, at the employee's request, to provide information, in writing or electronically, about their current sick time available.
Requires employers to maintain records about the number of hours employees worked, the available sick leave, and hours of sick leave used. These records must be ket for a t least three years.
Requires the operator of every hotel to supply and change bed linens and towels at least once a week and after providing the room to a new occupant. Also requires that bedding mattresses and springs are maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.
Requires the operator of every hotel to be responsible for the sanitary maintenance of all walls, floors, and ceilings.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes hotels from residential landlord tenant laws in Mississippi.
Allows hotel managers to remove guests who are disorderly, intoxicated from a hotel. Also allows hotel manages to remove guests and their belongings if they overstay their agreed upon time in a room.
Requires that every manager or person in charge of any hotel or inn to keep rooms used by guests in a clean and sanitary condition and to provide guests with effective protection against flies, mosquitoes, and other vermin.
Landlord Tenant
Allows hotel operators to remove an individual from a hotel for nonpayment of charges, being visibly intoxicated, using the premises for an unlawful purpose, bringing in a dangerous object such as firearms or explosives, or for violating hotel rules.
Missouri law does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant law.
Requires lodging establishments to be kept in a clan an sanitary condition, in good repair, and maintained and operated with regard to the health and safety of guests.
Requires compliance with local ordinances, regulations, and codes that establish additional requirements for lodging establishments.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or hotel from landlord tenant laws.
Allows hotel managers to evict guests who refuse or fail to pay when the bill is due. If after demanding payment and receiving none, a hotel manager may lock the guests room an droomage their personal property. Guests may also be evicted if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and acting in a disorderly fashion, is using the hotel for unlawful purposes, brings in a toxic or hazardous substance or explosive, destroys property, or fails to follow hotel rules.
Establishes requirements for the cleaning and maintenance of guest rooms including providing freshly laundered sheets, provisions for shared bathroom cleaning, the cleaning of floors and furniture, and the maintenance and cleaning of cleaning supplies.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or hotel from landlord tenant laws.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes occupancy in a hotel or motel for less than 30 consecutive days from landlord tenant law.
Allows innkeepers to evict guests who are disorderly or destroying property.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employer to allow sick leave to be used to assist or care for a family member with a medical need. Also requires employers to hang a bulletin prepared by the Labor Commissioner with information stating that sick leave can be used to care for family members.
Requires employers to provide paid leave for employees receiving a Covid-19 vaccination. Employees must give at least 12 hours notice that they are using paid time off to get a Covid-19 vaccine.
Requires that employees who have been employed for at least 90 days and who is a victim of domestic violence is entitled to no more than 160 hours of leave in a 12 month period to seek treatment, counseling, or attend court proceedings related to domestic violence.
Requires every employer in private employment to provide paid leave to employees and details how paid leave can accrue. Allows employers to limit the amount of paid leave used to 40 hours per year. Requires employers to provide each employee on each payday an accounting of the hours of paid leave they have available.
Requires toilet rooms and bathrooms as well as other rooms, corridors, stairways, elevators, fire escapes, and garages in hotels to be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
Requires hotel guests to be provided with clean bedding, sheets, and pillow slips. New sheets and pillow slips must be supplied for each new guest.
Requires all bedding used in hotels to be kept clean from all filth or dirt.
Requires any hotel that is used for sleeping to be free from any and every kind of dirt or filth and that all walls, floors, ceilings, and doors in each room are free from dirt.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes individuals staying in hotels or motels rented for recreational or vacation use from landlord tenant laws.
Allows hotel managers to refuse or deny accommodation to anyone unable or unwilling to pay or any person under 18.
Allows hotel managers to remove, or cause to be removed, any guest who is disturbing or threatening other guests, possesses alcohol and is under 21, possesses illegal drugs, or violate any hotel rule or any state and local law.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes hotels and motels from eviction measures in state landlord tenant law.
Excludes hotels and motels from eviction and foreclosure proceedings during public health or state of emergency declarations.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employers to provide earned sick leave to each employee working in New Jersey. Requires that for every 30 hours work an employee accrues one hour of earned sick leave. Also allows employers to be in compliance with this requirement if they offer paid time off, including personal days, vacation days, and sick days.
Details the purposes for when earned sick leave can be used, including time need to diagnose ro recover from a mental or physical illness, to care for a family member with a mental or physical illness, and for seeking medical attention to recovery from physical or psychological injuries caused by being the victim of domestic violence.
Requires employers to provide notice to employees of their rights related to sick leave.
Requires the Commissioner of Health to issue protocols for sanitizing hotels that include ensuring that guest rooms are cleaned and sanitized daily, public spaces are cleaned and sanitized daily, and that employees are trained on proper use of anti-microbial cleaning products and proper cleaning protocols.
Provides definitions relating to hotel sanitization
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant laws.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employees to accrue at least one of hour of earned sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Allows sick leave to be used for employees to care for themselves or family members with a physical or mental illness, medical diagnosis, or to receive preventative care.
Requires employers to provide written or electronic notice at the beginning of an employees employment of their rights to earned sick leave, how leave is accrued, and the terms of earned sick leave as guaranteed by the Health Workplaces Act.
Requires employers to retain for the immediately preceding forty-eight-month period records documenting hours worked by employees and earned sick leave taken by employees.
Requires employers to provide employees with domestic abuse leave.
Allows employees to use sick leave or paid time off for domestic abuse leave.
Defines domestic abuse leave as intermittent paid or unpaid leave time for up to fourteen days in any calendar year, taken by an employee for up to eight hours in one day, to obtain or attempt to obtain an order of protection or other judicial relief from domestic abuse or to meet with law enforcement officials, to consult with attorneys or district attorney's' victim advocates or to attend court proceedings related to the domestic abuse of an employee or an employee's family member.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel for less than 30 days from landlord tenant law
Allows hotel guests to be removed for nonpayment provided three days notice has been given. If rent is paid before the three days notice, the guest may not be removed.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employer to provide up to two hours paid time off to allow employees to vote if they do not have sufficient time outside of their scheduled working hours to vote.
Requires employers with four or fewer employees to provide up to 40 hours of unpaid sick leave per calendar year unless they have a net income of more than $1 million, in which case they must provide upto 40 hours of paid sick leave. Requires employers with 5-99 employees to provide up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per calendar year. Requires employer with 100 or more employees to provide up to 56 hours of paid sick leave per calendar year.
Requires employees to be provided with paid leave of up to four hours to receive a Covid-19 vaccination
Requires employer to provide funeral or bereavement leave for the death of an employee's spouse, or child to deny the same leave to an employee for the death of an employee's same-sex committed partner or the child, or parent, or other relative of the committed partner.
Requires rooms to be clean and free from vermin, rodents, garbage, filth, or any other thing that may be a danger to health.
Requires hotels to provide each guest with a clean towel and to have clean towels available in public restrooms; if hotels provide dishes or silverware they must be fully sanitized; sheets must be at least 91 inches long and all sheets and pillow slips must be washed, ironed, and dried before being provided to another guest.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires that all employers with five or more or employees, or one or more domestic workers, or employers with four or fewer employees with a net income of at least $1 million during the previous tax year, must provide paid sick leave. One hour of sick leave must be provided for every 30 hours worked.
Details how sick leave can be used, including for the employee to care for themselves or a family member with a physical or mental illness or to diagnose a condition. Also allows time to be use to obtain treatment or services if the employee is a victim of domestic violence.
Requires that pay for sick time be the same hourly rate that the employee is normally paid. If sick time is taken during hours that would be considered overtimes, employers are not required to pay the overtime rate.
Requires employers to maintain written sick time policies that are distributed to employees upon the start of their employment, within 14 days of the effective date of any change, or upon request by the employee.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant laws.
Allows hotel managers to prevent guests from entering hotel property if they stay for longer than the period for which they agreed.
Landlord Tenant
North Dakota does not explicitly exclude or include hotels in landlord tenant law.
Sick Leave PTO
Allows employers to withhold payment for paid time off under circumstances if an employee voluntarily leaves their job.
Details health and safety requirements, including for bedrooms and bathrooms in lodging establishments
Landlord Tenant
Excludes tourist homes, hotels, motels, and similar facilities for transient occupancy from landlord tenant law.
Requires all bedding in hotels to be thorough aired, disinfected, and kept clean. Prohibits bedding infested with bedbugs or other vermin from being used. Requires all floors, carpets, and equipment to be kept clean.
Requires all bathrooms to be kept clean and ventilated at all times.
Requires all sheets and pillow sheets to be washed daily if requested by a guest and for all sheets and pillow slips to be washed before being used by another guest.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant law.
Sick Leave PTO
Prohibits any state legislation or local ordinance from mandating a minimum number of vacation or sick leave days.
Requires bathrooms to be kept clean and stocked with towels, soap, and toilet paper
Requires hotels to have waste containers that are emptied at least weekly and that exterior waste containers to be kept clean and covered.
Requires guest rooms found to have evidence of rodents or other pests in a number to cause a public health nuisance to be closed to the public until the infestation has been eliminated.
Requires hot tubs or spas to be drained, cleaned, and sanitized according to the manufacturers recommendations between each room occupant.
Details requirements for housekeeper carts
Details cleaning requirements for hotel furnishings and beddings. Requires that soap and other individually packaged personal hygiene items cannot be reused for customer service bu may be donated to non-profit shelters or food banks
Details requirements for hotel laundry rooms
Details cleaning and storage requirements for in-room dishes and silverware
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant law.
Note that a guest commits the crime of criminal trespass in the second degree if that guest intentionally remains unlawfully in a transient lodging after their checkout date and without the approval of the hotel manager.
Allows hotel guests to be removed by a police officer if the guest becomes a trespasser.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employers with at least 10 employees working in Oregon to provide at least one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked or 1 1/3 hours of sick leave for every 40 hours worked. Employers with fewer than 10 employees must allow one hour of unpaid sick leave for every 30 hours work of 1 1/3 hours of unpaid sick leave for every 40 hours worked.
Details permissible uses of sick leave, including seeking treatment for a physical or mental illness or caring or a family member. Also allows sick time to be donated to another employee.
Requires employers to provide written notification, at least on a quarterly basis, to each employee the amount of accrued and unused sick leave they have available.
Notes that family leave is not required to be provided with pay, but that an employee taking family leave may use any paid sick leave or vacation leave during the period of family leave.
Landlord Tenant
Pennsylvania law does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant law
Allows hotel managers to refuse accommodations to guests who are unable or uwilling to pay, are disorderly, is seekin gaccommodation for an unawful purpose, is in possession of. adangerous item such as an explosive or firearm, or if admitting them will exceed occupancy limits. Also allows hotel managers to eject individuals from a hotel for violating hotel rules.
Landlord Tenant
Philadelphia does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant law.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employers to give notice to employees that they are entitled to sick leave and the amount of leave they are entitled to. Employees must be given the notice in writing and posters will be made available to employers containing information about paid sick leave.
Requires employers to keep records of hours worked by employees and sick time taken and retain those records for two years.
Requires all employers with ten or more employees to provide paid sick time. Employees that are not entitled to paid sick time are entitled to unpaid sick time. Requires that one hour of sick sick time accrued for every 40 hours worked in Philadelphia to a maximum of 40 hours.
Details how sick leave can be used, including to care for an employee or family member's mental or physical illness or to seek services or counseling for matters related to domestic abuse.
Requires that hotel owners keep any shared or public areas of the property in a clean and sanitary condition and generally requires that buildings be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel, motel or other similar lodgings from landlord tenant law
Allows hotel managers to remove guests who are unable to pay for accommodations or services, are disorderly, is using the premises for the unlawful possession of a controlled substance, is under 21 and consuming alcohol, has direct knowledge of dangerous items such as explosives or firearms being brought onto the property, violates hotel rules, violates the law, or is verbally abusive towards hotel staff or other guests.
Sick Leave PTO
Details when paid sick leave can be used, including to receive care for a mental of physical illness of the employee or a family member.
Requires that every employee who has been employed by the sae employer for 12 consecutive months is entitled to 13 consecutive weeks of parental or family leave in any two calendar years if they give at least 30 days notice. Parental or family leave may consist of unpaid leave.
Requires an employer with 18 or more employees in Rhode Island accrue at least one hour of paid sick leave for every 35 hours worked up to a maximum of 40 paid sick leave hours per year.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel, motel, or other accommodation subject to sales taxes on accommodations from landlord tenant law.
Allows hotel managers to deny accommodations to individuals who are unable or unwilling to pay, are visibly intoxicated, creating a public nuisance, is believed to be seeking accommodations for an unlawful purpose, is believed to be bringing in an dangerous object such as a firearm or explosive, or where admitting them would exceed occupancy limits.
Allows hotel managers to remove individuals for nonpayment for accommodations or services, are visibly intoxicated, creating a public nuisance, believes the person is using the premises for an unlawful purpose, has brought in a dangerous object, has violated any laws or regulations, or has violated a hotel rule.
For bed and breakfasts, food equipment, tableware, and utensils must be stored in a manner to avoid contamination and must be cleaned and sanitized prior to food preparation and after each use. Also establishes requirements for dishwashing machines.
Landlord Tenant
Allows hotels to eject an individual from the premises if they do not pay for accommodations or services, are disorderly, using the premises for an unlawful act, bring an explosive or destructive device onto the premises, is not a registered guest, the individual has exceeded the occupancy limits for a guest room, the accommodation was obtained under false pretenses, the person is a minor, or has violated the laws or any rules of the hotel.
South Dakota does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant law. However, in the chapter for leasing property, removing an individual from a hotel is a separate section from provisions relating to the eviction of a tenant,
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant law.
Requires that hotel owners keep any shared or public areas of the property in a clean and sanitary condition and generally requires that buildings be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes hotels, motels and other transient housing from landlord tenant laws.
Hotel managers or owners must ensure units have been thoroughly cleaned and have been furnished with clean and sanitary sheets, towels, and pillowcases.
Requires hotel operators or managers to wash dishes and silverware before providing it to a guest.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires employers in Dallas to provide at least one hour of earned paid sick time for every 30 hours work.
Allows employees to restrict using paid sick time during the first 60 days of employment if they have established that the employee will be employed for at least one year. Details when sick time can be used, including to care for an employee's or a family member's physical or mental illness ro to seek medical attention or other services for being a victim of domestic violence.
Provides definitions. Notes that an employee is any individual who performs at least 80 hours of work for pay in Dallas for an employer.
Landlord Tenant
Utah does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant and other real estate and property laws.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes transient occupancy in a hotel or motel from landlord tenant law.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires that employees accrue at least one hour of sick time for every 52 hours worked. Also allows employers to require a waiting period of up to one year for newly hired employees were sick time can be earned but not used until the waiting period is over.
Details how earned sick time can be used, including seeking care if an employee is sick or injured, obtaining preventative care, caring for sick or injured family member, or arranging social or legal services or obtaining medical care of counseling for being the victim of domestic violence.
Exempts new employers from sick leave requirements for one year after they hire their first employee.
Grants employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid parental or family leave following the birth of a child, adoption of a child that is 16 years old or younger, or for the serious illness of the employee or a member of the employees family.
Grants employees unpaid leave of up to four hours in any 30 day period to participate in school activities, attend or accompany a child to medical or dental appointments, respond to medical emergencies involving a child, or accompanying family member to professional services appointments related to their care and well being.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes individuals staying in a hotel, motel, extended stay facility, or vacation residential facility from landlord tenant law if that lodging is not their primary residence and if they are there for 90 days or less.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires that all employees accrue at least one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked up to a maximum of 40 hours per year unless the employer sets a higher limit.
Details when sick leave can be used, including to care for an employee or family members physical or mental illness.
Requires hotel facilities to be kept in clean conditions and in good repair.
Requires hotel units, hallways, and store rooms used by guests to be clean and in good repair.
Requires walls and ceilings of lodging units, hallways, bathrooms, and store rooms used by guests to be clean and in good repair in a manner that minimizes dust.
Requires hotel furnishings, including drapes and carpets, to be kept clean and free of dust, dirt, vermin, and other contaminants.
Details requirements for box springs, mattresses, bedding, and laundry storage rooms
Requires toilets, lavatories, and bath facilities to be kept in a clean and sanitary condition
Lists requirements for solid waste disposal and wastebaskets
Landlord Tenant
Notes that it is unlawful for any person to stay in a hotel or motel for more than 30 days in any 60 day period except in certain circumstances.
Landlord Tenant
Excludes hotels and motels from landlord tenant laws is the individual(s) are there for less than 30 days.
There is currently no Covid-19 eviction moratorium in Washington.
Sick Leave PTO
If a collective bargaining agreement or employer policy entitles employees to sick leave or other paid time off, the employer must allow the employee to use the sick leave ro paid time off to care for a child or a spouse, parent, grandparent, or in-law with a serious health condition.
Requires a poster development by the Department of Labor and Industries describing an employer's obligations and an employee's rights.
Allows an employee to take paid or unpaid leave for issues related to domestic violence, including seeking legal assistance, health care, or assisting a family member in obtaining car or services related to domestic violence.
Requires employers to provide at least one hour of paid sick leave for every 40 hours worked. Allows sick leave to be used for an employee to seek treatment for a physical or mental illness for themselves or a family member, as well as when an employee's place of business ha been closed for a health-related reason or when an employee's childs school or place of care has been closed for a health reason.
Sick Leave PTO
Requires all employers to provide paid sick leave to employees. Employers with less than 250 full time employees must provide one hour of paid sick leave for every 40 hours worked. Employers with 250 or more employees must provide one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked.
Details how paid sick time can be used, including to allow an employee to care for their own or a family members physical or mental illness or to seek treatment or a diagnosis.
Requires the City to provide employers with a poster informing employees of their right to paid sick leave. Employers must display the poster in a conspicuous and accessible location where any of their employees work.
Requires employers to keep records for each employees stating the number of hours worked, paid sick time accrued, and paid sick time used for three years.
Landlord Tenant
et. seq.
West Virginia does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant law. However, there are no mentions of hotels or transient occupancy in the West Virginia's landlord tenant laws.
Sick Leave PTO
Entitles employees to up to 12 weeks of unpaid family leave during any 12 month period due to the birth or adoption of a child or to care for a child, parent, or other dependent with a serious health condition.
Requires hotels to provide guests with cean, individually towels
Requires all bedding and carpets to be thoroughly aired, disinfected, and kept clean.
Requires rooms occupied by a person with a communicable disease to be thoroughly disinfected by methods prescribed by the West Virginia Board of Health before the room can be occupied by another person.
Landlord Tenant
Wisconsin law does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant law.
Landlord Tenant
Wyoming law does not explicitly include or exclude hotels from landlord tenant law.