The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA), the sole national association representing all segments of the 1.8 million-employee lodging industry, issued the following statement commending passage of the Travel Promotion, Enhancement, and Modernization Act (H.R. 4450) by the House of Representatives on a vote of 347-57:

"Brand USA has yielded tremendous dividends for our nation and our economy millions of new visitors coming to our hotels, restaurants, and shops, billions of dollars in added sales and revenue, and the creation of tens of thousands of jobs across the U.S.," said Katherine Lugar, AH&LA president/CEO. "Today's vote was a very strong signal that Congress sees the benefits of this program, and that it only makes sense to have it continue. From the beginning of this process, Congressmen Gus Bilirakis and Peter Welch have been strong champions for Brand USA and have been vocal in touting its track record and the competitive edge it has given to the U.S. Our industry and the nation's economy will be stronger because of their efforts and those of thousands of small businessmen and women across the country. We now ask the Senate to take equally swift action on their version of this legislation."