The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA), the sole national association representing all segments of the 1.8 million-employee lodging industry, urges the U.S. House of Representatives to pass The Save American Workers Act (H.R. 2575), introduced by Congressman Todd Young (R-IN). This legislation will provide much-needed stability for hotels, inns, and resorts and allow the industry to continue as a driver of economic growth.

The vote on H.R. 2575, scheduled for Thursday, April 3, comes immediately following the conclusion of AH&LA's 2014 Legislative Action Summit (LAS). Changing the full-time definition is one of the top three priorities for the industry, and the hundreds of hoteliers attending LAS are advocating for passage of this bill today during their extensive list of meetings with their congressional delegations.

"Changing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) definition of a full-time employee back to the traditional 40 hours is a crucial adjustment needed to ensure the law is made more workable for hoteliers, many of whom are small businesses, and their employees," said AH&LA President/CEO Katherine Lugar. "The healthcare law's existing and arbitrary 30-hour definition severely restricts the scheduling flexibility so valuable to our industry's workforce. In many instances, these employees may end up taking a second job in order to make up the income shortfall caused by fewer working hours. This important bill has already drawn more than 200 bipartisan cosponsors a clear demonstration that members of Congress understand the ACA must more accurately reflect current employment practices. We thank Congressman Young for introducing this important bill and urge Members of the House to support this important change."