Washington, D.C. (March 4, 2015) - The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA), the sole national association representing all segments of the 1.8 million-employee lodging industry, today welcomed Senate passage of legislation to overturn the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB's) recent ambush elections rule. This rulemaking currently limits the rights of both employees and employers in the hotel industry and others, and jeopardizes businesses' ability to continue growing and creating jobs. 

"We welcome the leadership of Senator Lamar Alexander and the Senate for their timely, effective action to overturn the NLRB's misguided regulations around ambush elections. This over-reach by the NLRB would limit employees' ability to gather the facts before they cast a ballot for or against union representation. Ensuring employees are able to make an informed choice about union representation is essential to stable labor and employee relations, and also to the lodging industry's ability to grow and create new jobs. We are hopeful that the House takes up this resolution immediately so it can be sent to the President for his signature," said Katherine Lugar, president and CEO of the American Hotel and Lodging Association.

In a letter sent to all members of the Senate this week, the American Hotel and Lodging Association urged every member of the Senate to support the resolution of disapproval, S. J. Res 8. Previously, AH&LA praised Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Chairman John Kline (MN-2) for their introduction of S. J. Res. 8 and its counterpart, H. J. Res. 29.