WASHINGTON (November 2, 2015) - The H-2B Workforce Coalition, an alliance of more than 40 various industry associations focused on protecting American workers by ensuring American small and seasonal employers have access to legal short-term temporary employees during peak business periods, issued the following statement supporting S. 2225, the Save our Small and Seasonal Businesses Act, which was introduced by Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Mark Warner (D-VA). The legislation is designed to help seasonal employers better navigate the H-2B temporary non-agricultural visa program and increase certainty for small businesses by allowing seasonal employers to better prepare for fluctuations in demand.

"The hotel industry has seen five years of consecutive growth and the success of our industry can be attributed to, in large part, the hardworking employees and workforce that run and operate our lodging facilities, particularly during peak tourism seasons," said Brian Crawford, Vice President of Government and Political Affairs at the American Hotel & Lodging Association and Co-Chair of the H-2B Workforce Coalition. "Lodging industry employers always look first to the U.S. workforce to fill critical job functions during peak seasons at hotels, but in many instances there are no workers available. The H-2B program provides valuable support for businesses looking to supplement their workforce with temporary seasonal employees. We commend Senators Tillis, Mikulski, Cassidy and Warner for introducing bipartisan legislation that provides clarity and much-needed reforms to the H-2B program in order to help American employers recruit workers for temporary employment in this country to run successful businesses."

"The Save Our Small and Seasonal Businesses Act is balanced and common-sense legislation that will restore clarity and predictability for our industry and others relying on the H-2B program. Our national association, AmericanHort, my colleagues across Maryland, and I join in thanking our Senator Mikulski, and Senators Tillis, Warner, and Cassidy, for their leadership," said Alan Jones of Manor View Farm, Maryland.

"It's a great day when a system of governance designed specifically to represent the people does its job. Today is a prime example of what representative governance is all about, and what makes America great! We thank all those who dared to hear all sides of the H2B issue and acted accordingly," said Michael Wood, Chairman of the Outdoor Amusement Business Association (OABA).

"As a member of the National Association of Landscape Professionals and employer who relies on H-2B workers to fill seasonal vacancies when I cannot find American workers, I am extremely grateful to Senators Warner, Tillis, Mikulski, and Cassidy for introducing the Save Our Small and Seasonal Businesses Act of 2015. The bill will right the uncertainties and frustration that have plagued the program for the past several years, allowing me to grow my company and expand my American workforce," said James River Grounds Management President and CEO Maria Candler.

To learn more about the H-2B Workforce Coalition, please visit our website.